The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

Rounding up undocumented workers, migrant and refugees is part of a brutal order of things in Malaysia. When matters economic are going well, authorities turn the blindest of eyes. The money pours in; development goals are being met. During times of crisis, the eye sharpens in the search for scapegoats. With the enervating effects of…

The Hegemon Won’t Leave

The Hegemon Won’t Leave

While the global economy plunges into a recession, actively aided by the coronavirus pandemic, the US is already hatching plans not just for its own recovery, but also the removal of geopolitical rivals like Russia and China. The expectation is probably that many countries will have been weakened by the current crisis. Opponents will be…

Putin Didn’t Disappear: Russia’s Ongoing Decentralization Process

Putin Didn’t Disappear: Russia’s Ongoing Decentralization Process

The Western Mainstream Media’s aggressively propagated infowar narrative that President Putin “disappeared” and is “paralyzed” in the face of World War C is factually false because it ignores the Russian leader’s regular videoconferences with various officials that are widely reported on by his country’s domestic media, which actually prove that he’s decentralizing state affairs to…

Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

In January, well before the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis would result in lockdowns, quarantines and economic devastation in the United States and beyond, the U.S. intelligence community and the Pentagon were working with the National Security Council to create still-classified plans to respond to an imminent pandemic. It has since been alleged that the intelligence and…