Will US Government Allow Bitcoin to go Wall St.?

Will US Government Allow Bitcoin to go Wall St.?

The big worry among the bitcoin perma-bears is the threat of government ‘making it illegal.’ The latest bogeyman on this front is none other than U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Rumors float that he’s considering outlawing ‘self-custody wallets,’ in effect confiscating the private keys of everyone’s cryptos. In a Twitter-thread, the chief executive [of Coinbase…

The Global Reset Scam

The Global Reset Scam

This article takes a tilt at increasing speculation about statist global resets, and why plans such as those promoted by the World Economic Forum will fail. Central bank digital currencies will simply run out of time. Instead, the collapse of unbacked fiat currencies will end all supra-national government solutions to their policy failures. Already, there…

China’s Project to Create A “Digital Yuan”

China’s Project to Create A “Digital Yuan”

The topic of cryptocurrencies has gained prominence among specialists in international trade in recent months. With the global economic crisis generated by the new coronavirus pandemic, this need has become even more evident. The world powers enter a new race, seeking to be pioneers in a cryptocurrency system. Since 2014, China has been developing its…