Russia Should Consider Partnering with The UAE in the Horn of Africa

Russia Should Consider Partnering with The UAE in the Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is arguably the most geostrategic part of the continent for the rest of the world at large so it’s only fitting that Russia crafts a comprehensive strategy for advancing its interests there, one which would become much more viable if it seriously considered partnering with the region’s de facto Emirati hegemon…

The Chinese-Indian “Great Game” in East Africa

The Chinese-Indian “Great Game” in East Africa

Introduction China and India are actively competing with one another in East Africa, though this struggle for influence has largely failed to attract significant global attention. Both Great Powers are reluctant to recognize this in order to preserve their superficial and largely limited partnership through BRICS, while the US and its Mainstream Media partners don’t…

The Anti-OBOR Narrative Just Hit Peak Cognitive Dissonance Over Ethiopia

The Anti-OBOR Narrative Just Hit Peak Cognitive Dissonance Over Ethiopia

The Mainstream Media has been propagating the narrative that China’s only interest in “Global South” countries is to deviously ensnare them in so-called “debt traps” so that it can squeeze territorial concessions out of them afterwards such as was the case with Sri Lanka, but the fact that China is curtailing its investment in Ethiopia…