How Ukraine’s War Is to Be Settled: Zelenskiy, Crimea, and Donbass

How Ukraine’s War Is to Be Settled: Zelenskiy, Crimea, and Donbass

On April 30th, Ukraine’s Central Election Commission announced that after the final voting tabulations (which included more than 13% of Ukrainians living abroad), Volodmyr Zelensky had beaten the sitting President, Petro Poroshenko, by a vote of 73.22% to 24.45%. The biggest single issue that Ukraine’s new President will be dealing with is going to be whether to…

Russia Is Competing with Poland for Ukrainian “Replacement Migrants”

Russia Is Competing with Poland for Ukrainian “Replacement Migrants”

President Putin’s proposal to make it easier for all Ukrainians to receive Russian citizenship represents a bold effort to court his country’s civilizationally similar neighbors as “replacement migrants” and will lead to a competition with Russia’s historical rival Poland for this valuable “human resource”. Population Trends It’s no secret that Russia has had serious problems…

Despite the Citizenship Stunt Donbass Won’t Unite with Russia

Despite the Citizenship Stunt Donbass Won’t Unite with Russia

President Putin’s decree simplifying the granting of Russian citizenship to the people of Donbass won’t result in the region’s unification with Russia but is one of several tactics designed to put pressure on Ukraine’s new president to peacefully implement the Minsk Accords. A Proactive Infowar With Substance The whole world is talking about President Putin’s…

The Kiev-Donbas “Shadow War” will Continue, But a Big One Is Unlikely for Now

The Kiev-Donbas “Shadow War” will Continue, But a Big One Is Unlikely for Now

As is now known from the wisdom of hindsight, Alexander Zakharchenko’s assassination wasn’t the trigger for reigniting conventional hostilities between Kiev and the Donbas Republics like some people feared it would be immediately after the event happened, though that of course doesn’t mean that it wasn’t the intention of those who carried out the act…

Kashmir is Not South Asia’s Palestine – It is South Asia’s Donbass

Kashmir is Not South Asia’s Palestine – It is South Asia’s Donbass

This weekend has seen bloodshed in both Palestine and Kashmir, two of the longest running geopolitical conflicts on earth, alongside the civil war(s) in Myanmar. But where there exists at least some international impetus to reduce the scale of violence in Myanmar through various peace plans, most notably the Chinese authored peace process for Rakhine…