Members of the Druze community protest against the nation-state law in Tel Aviv on 4 August (AFP)

The Druze Have to Face that in Israel, Some are Far More Equal than Others

Here’s a riddle: when is a campaign for equality not really about equality? When it’s in Israel, it seems. Earlier this month, tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel – those belonging to the small Druze religious sect – staged a protest in Rabin Square in central Tel Aviv. They were joined by large…

Israel Considering Syria Operation in Golan Heights

Israel Considering Syria Operation in Golan Heights

The statement was an unusually explicit Israeli pledge to intervene in the war in Syria, where Israeli officials are voicing deeper alarm at the role of Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah, which are fighting alongside the Syrian government. Syrian state media said Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly the Nusra Front, was responsible for the bomb which killed…

The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Druze Factor

The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Druze Factor

Within the complex ethno-sectarian palette of the Syrian war, the secretive Druze community, who live primarily in the country’s southern regions, continues to play one of the most behind-the-scenes roles. And the Pentagon’s underestimation of the strategic significance of this Druze factor has greatly contributed to the failure of its plans to take control of…