Germany’s Economic Minister Warned of Unrest If Russian Gas Is Immediately Cut Off

Germany’s Economic Minister Warned of Unrest If Russian Gas Is Immediately Cut Off

Up until this point, it was considered to be nothing more than so-called “Russian propaganda” for anyone to make such a prediction, but now it’s literally the official position of the German government itself. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck confirmed Russian assessments that Germany’s immediate cutoff of that country’s gas…

‘Rublegas:’ The World’s New Resource-Based Reserve Currency

‘Rublegas:’ The World’s New Resource-Based Reserve Currency

Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether. The beauty of the game-changing, gas-for-rubles, geoeconomic jujitsu applied by Moscow is its stark simplicity. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s presidential decree on new payment terms for energy products, predictably, was misunderstood by the collective west….

Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape It was something to behold. Dmitri Medvedev, former Russian President, unrepentant Atlanticist, current deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, decided to go totally unplugged in an outburst matching the combat star…

Putin’s Geo-Economic Judo Move Flips the Financial Tables on the West

Putin’s Geo-Economic Judo Move Flips the Financial Tables on the West

Instead of Russia’s economy nearing collapse, it’s now the US-led West’s that must face this startling scenario, and all because of the events that America itself decided to set into motion. True to form as the judo master that he is, President Putin just flipped the financial tables on the West with his latest geo-economic…