The Race Tilts to Biden

The Race Tilts to Biden

Pundits of Right and Left alike would always prefer to stick to their dead clichés rather than bothering an even switching on a TV or a podcast, let alone going anywhere to see things for themselves. In the current U.S. presidential election it is happening again. Anyone who has bothered to actually sit through any…

The War on Populism: The Final Act

The War on Populism: The Final Act

So, it appears the War on Populism is building toward an exciting climax. All the proper pieces are in place for a Class-A GloboCap color revolution, and maybe even civil war. You got your unauthorized Putin-Nazi president, your imaginary apocalyptic pandemic, your violent identitarian civil unrest, your heavily-armed politically-polarized populace, your ominous rumblings from military…

Trump’s License to Violence

Trump’s License to Violence

The most remarkable moment in the 90-minute US presidential debate was President Trump’s refusal to outright condemn white supremacist groups. Indeed, he went further by referring to one such group by name, Proud Boys, and then told them – apparently approvingly – to “stand back and stand by”.  Stand by, for what? It sounds like…