U.S. Supremacy by Any Other Name

U.S. Supremacy by Any Other Name

The world balance has changed qualitatively, and not just quantitatively, Alastair Crooke writes. Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum two weeks ago, General Milley conceded that ‘America’s century’ is over – a long overdue acknowledgement, most might venture. Yet, belated or not, his saying it nonetheless seemed to signal an important strategic shift: “We’re entering…

What Explains the Unexpected Diplomatic De-Escalation Between Turkey & The West?

What Explains the Unexpected Diplomatic De-Escalation Between Turkey & The West?

Although both sides are acting like they’ve moved on after last week’s events, their strategists know better than to naively think that everything will go back to how it was before those 10 ambassadors issued their joint statement. Most observers were surprised by Monday’s diplomatic de-escalation between Turkey and the West. President Erdogan announced over…

The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal

The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal

A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by forces that may make an educated citizen rather uncomfortable. Of course, news reports flash daily showcasing the brave young movement of “eco-warriors” led by Sweden’s “forever 15 year old” Greta Thunberg or America’s 17 year old Jamie Margolin who have become a…

Moldova’s Manufactured Energy Crisis Serves Several Strategic Purposes

Moldova’s Manufactured Energy Crisis Serves Several Strategic Purposes

America might very well be weaponizing the issue at this particular time in order to pressure Russia on other fronts such as Ukraine and Syria. Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov claimed that “Moldova is provoking [its energy crisis] with its own hands” after it refused to acknowledge its debt to the Russian gas company and thus…