Geopolitical Amnesia and America’s Imperial Ambitions

Geopolitical Amnesia and America’s Imperial Ambitions

How warmongers are trying to influence the outcome of talks between Russia and NATO. While US State Department officials look for possible compromises with Moscow on European security (an issue that really is difficult for them since they need to save face), the Russophobe lobby from various institutions are actively calling for a tough stance….

There are No “Common Values” between Europeans and the US

There are No “Common Values” between Europeans and the US

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has organised a virtual summit for democracy on December 9 and 10, 2021 [1]. It is clear that his objective was not only to improve democracies, but also and above all to divide the world into two: on the one hand, “democracies” that must be supported, and on…

Will the Covid Pandemic Trigger a New May 1968 in Europe?

Will the Covid Pandemic Trigger a New May 1968 in Europe?

The current dominant or establishment system of Western societies would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to annul the ideals of the original individual and transform him into an uncritical, fearful and conformist being who will inevitably swell the ranks of a homogeneous, uniform society, easily manipulated by mass manipulation techniques….