EU Just Woke Up and Realised It Was America’s Bitch. Reset Needed Claims Macron

EU Just Woke Up and Realised It Was America’s Bitch. Reset Needed Claims Macron

The EU is beginning to wake up and realise that its relationship with the U.S. has reached farcical levels of master and slave. Remarkably, the EU is beginning to wake up and realise not only that it is more servile to the U.S. than ever before, but in fact the relationship has reached farcical levels…

Pope Francis’ War Against Chechens and Buryats

Pope Francis’ War Against Chechens and Buryats

Who, beyond Clown Prince Zelensky, is supplying the Argentinian with his mis-information? Pope Francis is at it again. This time, as reported by the British state-controlled BBC outlet, Pope Francis believes that Chechens and Buryats serving in the Russian Armed Forces are half-savage Orcs. Citing an American Jesuit magazine, the state-controlled BBC has Pope Francis,…

Gallic Rebuke: France and the US Rules-based Order

Gallic Rebuke: France and the US Rules-based Order

Gérard Araud was not mincing his words.  As France’s former ambassador to Washington, he had seen enough.  At a November 14 panel hosted by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft titled “Is America Ready for a Multipolar Word?”, Araud decried the “economic warfare” being waged by the United States against China, expressing the view that…

The Colonial End Game

The Colonial End Game

Sometimes the internet being eternal works to our advantage. Recently, there’s been a dustup in European politics over a three-year old video of now Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stepping on the third rail of European politics. In that video she openly explained that colonialism in Europe isn’t over and she tied it to African…

As Mali Kicks Out French Influence Operations, Macron Blames Russian ‘Disinformation’

As Mali Kicks Out French Influence Operations, Macron Blames Russian ‘Disinformation’

Mali declared a ban this week on the activities of non-governmental organizations within the country that receive funding from France. The move came in the wake of France’s decision to withdraw development aid to the country as its final troops pull out of the Sahel region, marking the end of the eight-year Operation Barkhane. What started…