Two Opposite Ways of Interpreting Wars and International Relations

Two Opposite Ways of Interpreting Wars and International Relations

In the US-and-allied nations, the standard way of interpreting wars and international relations is archetypally exemplified by the internationally respected award-winning American war-journalist Marie Colvin, of the London Sunday Times. Her career was stellar, if not absolutely unmatched: she won the “Journalist of the Year” award from the Foreign Press Association, plus five other international…

US President Donald Trump shows the document reinstating sanctions against Iran. Photo: AFP / Saul Loeb

Trump has Proven Himself to be the US Version of Gaddafi

I was trying to think a few hours ago – after his shameful, outrageous, insane breaking of a solemn international treaty – just who Donald Trump reminded me of. I used to think about the boastful, gung-ho racist Theodore Roosevelt, the ‘Rough Rider’ who enjoyed war (and threats). But Theodore Roosevelt actually did win the Nobel Peace Prize….

Mainstream Media’s Double-Betrayal of Libya

Mainstream Media’s Double-Betrayal of Libya

The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya whose most prominent leader was Muammar Gaddafi, even after he relinquished titular status, was a country that moulded itself on the unique Third International Theory. This new ideology combined elements of traditional Arab Nationalism, the socialist model of Yugoslavia, direct democracy and  pan-Africanism. As detailed on his Green Books,…