Israel Crosses a Line as IDF Snipers Murder Unarmed Protesters in the Ghetto of Gaza

Israel Crosses a Line as IDF Snipers Murder Unarmed Protesters in the Ghetto of Gaza

Sitting in this peaceful city on the far side of world from the United States can put some things in perspective. For one thing, the local papers, both Chinese-language and the English-language South China Morning Post today featured front-page images of dead Palestinian protesters lying on the ground in Gaza. Accompanying articles focused on them latest day’s…

US Complicity in Gaza Massacre

US Complicity in Gaza Massacre

The horrendous bloodshed this week in Gaza is directly related to US President Trump’s controversial decision to relocate the American embassy to the contested city of Jerusalem. The US bears responsibility in large part for the atrocity in which more than 60 unarmed Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli military. This was a cold-blooded massacre….

How American Media is Whitewashing Israel’s Massacre in Gaza

How American Media is Whitewashing Israel’s Massacre in Gaza

Typical of the mindset of corporate media reporting on what happened in Gaza on Monday as Israeli soldiers killed more than 50 protesting Palestinians, is this tweet from CNN. It says: “Death toll rises to at least 52 people during clashes along the border fence between Israel and Gaza, Palestinian officials say. More than 2,400…

Mass Murder in Gaza

Mass Murder in Gaza

The Israeli military slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators and wounded thousands more in Gaza on Monday. As this atrocity was being carried out, a grotesque ceremony was unfolding barely 50 miles away to mark the formal opening of a US embassy in the divided and occupied city of Jerusalem. The two events—occurring on the…

Genocide? As Gaza Dries Out, Israel Turns Off Fresh Water Spigot

Genocide? As Gaza Dries Out, Israel Turns Off Fresh Water Spigot

Near the end of last month, Haaretz reported that, according to an expert hydrologist, 97 percent of Gaza’s drinking water has been contaminated by sewage and salt. The UN also confirmed that this was the case early last year, and clearly, the situation has remained unchanged even up until 2018. Robert Piper, the UN’s local coordinator…

In Words and Deeds: The Genesis of Israeli Violence

In Words and Deeds: The Genesis of Israeli Violence

Not a day passes without a prominent Israeli politician or intellectual making an outrageous statement against Palestinians. Many of these statements tend to garner little attention or evoke rightly deserved outrage. Just recently, Israel’s Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, called for more death and injuries on Palestinians in Gaza. “What is this special weapon we…