Former US President George H.W. Bush interviewed for 'The Presidents' Gatekeepers', October 24, 2011, Texas © Getty Images / David Hume Kennerly

Oil Tycoon, CIA Chief, President: George H.W. Bush was the Epitome of American Empire

The late US President George H.W. Bush, a luminary of America’s most powerful family, was the personification of a nation addicted to oil, obsessed with secrecy and war, and self-assured of its exceptional qualities. When considering the life and times of George Herbert Walker Bush, one is forced to enter into a well-guarded mansion that…

Assessing Legacy of Late President George H. W. Bush: View from Russia

Assessing Legacy of Late President George H. W. Bush: View from Russia

George H. W. Bush died at the age of 94. A moderate Republican, he had no sympathy whatsoever for the Soviet Union, the country Americans preferred to call simply “Russia” just because it is shorter. After all, he served two terms as a vice president under Ronald Reagan, the chief executive who said “We begin…

George H. W. Bush: The Man Who Embodied What Putin’s Accused of Being

George H. W. Bush: The Man Who Embodied What Putin’s Accused of Being

President Putin’s been accused by the West of being many things, but ironically enough, it’s former President George H. W. Bush who embodied many of them. The passing of former President George H. W. Bush over the weekend prompted a lot of reflection about the influence that he had on America’s role in the immediate…

How the NYT Plays with History

How the NYT Plays with History

Whenever The New York Times or some other mainstream news outlet holds itself out as a paragon of professional journalism – by wagging a finger at some pro-Trump “fake news” or some Internet “conspiracy theory” – I cringe at the self-delusion and hypocrisy. No one hates fake news and fact-free conspiracy theories more than I…