Double Standards? Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey

Double Standards? Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey

Author’s Note This article was originally published by Global Research in February 2010 under the title:Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States” The media, politicians and scientists have remained silent. The focus was persistently on Iran’s non-existant nuclear weapons. And now the focus is on North Korea. Double Standards? All eyes on North Korea Amply documented, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany,…

Germany: Caught Between America and Russia Again

Germany: Caught Between America and Russia Again

Since Willy Brandt made Egon Bahr’s “Ostpolitik” official government policy in 1969, Germany’s leaders have been divided. Some want closer ties to Washington, and others demand a common European home with Russia. As voters prepare for the polls, the debate has kicked off again. Over in Berlin, they’ve been enduring an election campaign so tedious…

Germany Repatriates Its Overseas Gold Reserves for Its Stability

Germany Repatriates Its Overseas Gold Reserves for Its Stability

According to the Bundesbank, Germany has repatriated about 1,710 tons or more than half of its gold reserves sooner than planned. The size of its reserves ranks second in the world. Germany has brought home 50.6% of its overseas gold reserves, which is about 1710 tons of yellow metal. This successful operation was reported by…

Pentagon’s Power Projection: Most Important US Military Bases Overseas

Pentagon’s Power Projection: Most Important US Military Bases Overseas

If North Korea conducted a missile strike against Guam, it could have had serious repercussions for the region, since the island hosts two of the most fortified US military installations in the Pacific, Sputnik contributor Andrei Kots writes, revealing what the most important US overseas military bases are. Pyongyang has fulfilled preparations for a missile strike…

Obama Alienated the US from Asia, Eurasia and the Middle East – Now its Europe’s Turn

Obama Alienated the US from Asia, Eurasia and the Middle East – Now its Europe’s Turn

Barack Obama began his administration with the idea that the US would ‘pivot’ the epicentre of its hegemonic power to Asia. Forgetting the fact that the word ‘pivot’ is in this context, borrowed from the imperialist geo-political writings of Halford MacKinder, the plan which was arrogant in the first place, failed spectacularly by the end of…

Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together

Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together

The Empire of Whiners simply can’t get enough when it comes to huff, puff and pout as the Empire of Sanctions. With an Orwellian 99% majority that would delight the Kim dynasty in North Korea, the “representative democracy” Capitol Hill has bulldozed its latest House/Senate sanctions package, aimed mostly at Russia, but also targeting Iran and North Korea….