Is Turkey Lost to the West?

Is Turkey Lost to the West?

Not long ago, a democratizing Turkey, with the second-largest army in NATO, appeared on track to join the European Union. That’s not likely now, or perhaps ever. Last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared Angela Merkel’s Germany to Hitler’s, said the Netherlands was full of “Nazi remnants” and “fascists,” and suggested the Dutch ambassador go…

Erdogan and EU Go Off Rails – a Plague on Both Their Houses

Erdogan and EU Go Off Rails – a Plague on Both Their Houses

The extraordinary war of words erupting between Turkey and the European Union is pushing already strained relations to breaking point. Ankara has banned all Dutch diplomats from its territory after the Netherlands banished Turkish ministers from holding political rallies, while deploying heavy-handed policing to break up the rallies. Now with the rest of the EU expressing solidarity…

Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

The real story behind The Fall of Michael Flynn has been confirmed by a highly informed US insider, who has previously detailed how the Trump presidency’s foreign policy will unfold. According to the insider, which I named “X”, “Flynn was removed because he was agitating for a strike against Iran which would have had disastrous consequences. That would…

Trump’s Reckless Pimping Off Germany for NATO Fix

Trump’s Reckless Pimping Off Germany for NATO Fix

US President Donald Trump has German ancestral roots, but his unfolding policy on NATO shows little regard for the Fatherland. Indeed, the signs are that Trump wants to recklessly pimp off German economic prowess as a short-term fix for the United States’ chronic problems. When Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, and his defense secretary James…