How Bankers Created National Socialism – A History Lesson

How Bankers Created National Socialism – A History Lesson

Nazism would not have played a significant role in the XXth century without the bankers from New York and London. Financial elites executed the plan perfectly by taking over financial sector in Germany and consequentially political control over Central Europe. How it all started? After the end of the First World War, both France and the…

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Acknowledgements To Benjamin H. Freedman, who committed himself to finding and telling the facts about Zionism and Communism. and encouraged others to do the same. The son of one of the founders of the American Jewish Committee, which for many years was anti-Zionist, Ben Freedman founded the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in…

Weapon of Choice: France Picks German-made HK 416 Assault Rifle to Replace Iconic FAMAS

Weapon of Choice: France Picks German-made HK 416 Assault Rifle to Replace Iconic FAMAS

France has chosen the German-made Heckler & Koch HK 416 carbine to replace its iconic FAMAS assault rifle, which has been used by the French Army for over 40 years. The weapon became synonymous for its use by French soldiers. The legendary but old-fashioned FAMAS, designed in France by the Manufacture d’armes de Saint-Etienne (MAS),…

Germany Mulls Deporting Half its Afghan Refugees, Karzai Says it’s a Good Idea

Germany Mulls Deporting Half its Afghan Refugees, Karzai Says it’s a Good Idea

Germany is reportedly seeking to deport around 40,000 of the 79,449 Afghan refugees that have applied for asylum as part of a deal with Kabul. Former Afghan President Karzai said deportations would be “a good solution” for his country’s reconstruction. Berlin wants to deport roughly 40,000 Afghan asylum seekers, including refugees willing to return to…