Petrodollar Warfare: The Common Thread Linking Venezuela and Iran

Petrodollar Warfare: The Common Thread Linking Venezuela and Iran

Last Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a disturbing interview to Fox Business Network in which he divulged his plans to form a NATO-type alliance against Iran. The U.S. has long accused Iran of supporting terrorism, accusations that have ramped up under the Trump administration. Pompeo said, without a hint of irony, that…

Mystery of the Venezuelan Gold: Bank of England Is Independent of UK Govt – But Not of Foreign Govt

Mystery of the Venezuelan Gold: Bank of England Is Independent of UK Govt – But Not of Foreign Govt

Pirates don’t have to look like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. They can fly the Union Jack rather than the skull and crossbones. They can be called the Bank of England rather than the Jolly Roger. The ‘Old Lady of Threadneedle Street’ is a port in a stormy world for all kinds of…

The US is at War with Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia, All to Protect the Petrodollar

The US is at War with Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia, All to Protect the Petrodollar

The US dollar currently makes up 2/3rds of the worlds global reserve currency. This is because nearly every oil-exporting country in the world exclusively sells their oil in US dollars (the Petrodollar), so nations are forced to hoard large amounts of US dollars, allowing the US to print it almost to infinity without hyper-inflating their currency. The…