“Russian Hacking”: NATO PsyOp Revealed

“Russian Hacking”: NATO PsyOp Revealed

To professional analysts, it has long been clear that the “Russiagate” saga – including the “Russian hacking” claims, the Trump-Russia collusion claims, as well as the “Skripal poisoning incident” and the more recent “Navalny poisoning incident” – has been a US and NATO psychological operation aimed at containing a resurgent Russia and a somewhat unpredictable…

US Cyber Spy Scandal: Why Did Pompeo Blame Russia But Trump China?

US Cyber Spy Scandal: Why Did Pompeo Blame Russia But Trump China?

The contradictory claims from Secretary of State Pompeo and President Trump blaming Russia and China respectively for carrying out what’s been described by many as one of the most intrusive cyber espionage operations against America in history are confusing for most observers but can be better understood if they accept that Pompeo might have some…

Will Interacting with the “Wrong” Post Get You Sent to Facebook Jail?

Will Interacting with the “Wrong” Post Get You Sent to Facebook Jail?

A recent Reuters report about the supposed prevalence of so-called “fake news” ahead of Mexico’s upcoming election this weekend quotes an anonymous Facebook employee who alleged that people are being paid to like, share, and comment on posts, which disturbingly suggests that the company might take punitive action against users who innocently interact with what…

How the CIA Spies On Your Everyday Life, According to WikiLeaks

How the CIA Spies On Your Everyday Life, According to WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks’ latest release from the Vault 7 series of CIA leaks, sheds more light on how ordinary people can be easily tracked and targeted by the US intelligence agency through everyday electronic devices. Since March 7, WikiLeaks has revealed CIA hacking techniques used to weaponize mobile phones, conduct surveillance via smart TVs, and load and…

© Joe Raedle / AFP

#Vault7: CIA’s Secret Cyberweapon can Infiltrate World’s Most Secure Networks

WikiLeaks’ latest release in its Vault7 series details how the CIA’s alleged ‘Brutal Kangaroo’ program is being used to penetrate the most secure networks in the world. Brutal Kangaroo, a tool suite for Microsoft Windows, targets closed air gapped networks by using thumb drives, according to WikiLeaks. Air gapping is a security measure employed on…

Watching You While You Browse: How the CIA has been Hacking Your Router

Watching You While You Browse: How the CIA has been Hacking Your Router

Wi-Fi routers typically sit in dusty corners of homes and offices, quietly transmitting internet accessibility to computers, tablets and phones in its immediate vicinity. However, these unpretentious devices are a goldmine for hackers – and were specifically targeted by the US Central Intelligence Agency, the latest Wikileaks release has revealed. The release is the latest…