Yemen: Peace on the Horizon

Yemen: Peace on the Horizon

The Houthis and the former President of South Yemen introduced somewhat similar peace proposals for ending the War on Yemen. The first move in this direction was made during last week’s Valdai Conference on Russia’s role in the Mideast, when Ali Naser Mohamad, who presided over the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen from 1980-1986, issued…

The Spin Machine Behind Saudi Arabia’s ‘Humanitarian Aid Plan’ for Yemen

The Spin Machine Behind Saudi Arabia’s ‘Humanitarian Aid Plan’ for Yemen

On 22 January, the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen unveiled a new plan to deliver “unprecedented relief to the people of Yemen”. The Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO) is a new “aid” programme with the ostensible aim of “addressing immediate aid shortfalls while simultaneously building capacity for long-term improvement of humanitarian aid and commercial goods imports…

Hadi’s Fall = Rise of South Yemen = End of the War?

Hadi’s Fall = Rise of South Yemen = End of the War?

Separatists just liberated South Yemen. Clashes broke out in the country’s interim capital of Aden, which was also the seat of government for the formerly independent country of South Yemen, over the weekend after President Hadi banned the “Southern Transitional Council” (STC) and its supporters from protesting him. The STC had given the Yemeni leader…

Was Yemen the Most Important Story of 2017 and Why Was it Under-Reported?

Was Yemen the Most Important Story of 2017 and Why Was it Under-Reported?

2017 was a year which was dominated by the new US President Donald Trump, a General Election in the UK and the ongoing Brexit negotiations, terror attacks in Britain, and the crisis in North Korea. But why did Yemen not get a look in, considering it is the biggest humanitarian disaster on the planet? The…