Did US and Allies Commit War Crime by Bombing Syria on April 14th?

Did US and Allies Commit War Crime by Bombing Syria on April 14th?

INTRODUCTION Bombardment (or other military invasion) of a country that has not invaded nor threatened to invade the attacking country(s) is “aggression” under international law, and is the chief crime that the Nazis were hanged for at Nuremberg after World War II. The US and its allies have routinely committed aggression, in places such as…

Trump’s Taking Putin’s Earlier ICC Moves to a Qualitatively New Level

Trump’s Taking Putin’s Earlier ICC Moves to a Qualitatively New Level

President Putin’s decision to remove Russia from the International Criminal Court in 2016 over its hyper-politicized reports about the country’s activities during the 2008 peace-enforcement operation against Georgia and 2014 reunification with Crimea inadvertently gave “normative legitimacy” to Trump leaving the organization too, though Moscow could never have expected that Washington would then take everything…

Israeli forces confront Palestinian protesters near Nablus in the occupied West Bank, on 29 June 2018 (AFP)

The Palestinian Authority, the ICC and Israel

Last week, the International Criminal Court announced it would commence the pretrial phase of a war crimes case brought by the Palestinian Authority (PA) against Israel. An Israeli news report called the move “almost unprecedented”. A three-judge panel has been appointed to hear the case: Peter Kovacs (presiding judge), Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and Reine Adelaide Sophie Alapini-Gansou. The…

After Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes

After Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes

On March 30, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers shot 773 unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza, killing 17 and wounding 1,400. Twenty remain in critical condition. The protesters were marching to demand the internationally mandated right of return of refugees to their cities and villages in what now constitutes Israel. The Israeli leaders who ordered the massacre were…

Afghanistan War Crimes Probe a Sham and Cover-Up for US

Afghanistan War Crimes Probe a Sham and Cover-Up for US

When The Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) announced it was planning to investigate alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, the timing seemed appropriate. The announcement by the ICC on November 3 came within days of a deadly airstrike by US forces in northern Afghanistan, which UN officials say killed ten civilians. But the history of the…

The ICC and Afghanistan: The Game Continues

The ICC and Afghanistan: The Game Continues

A few days after Burundi, South Africa and The Gambia announced their intention to withdraw from the International Criminal Court an article appeared in the American journal, Foreign Policy, stating that the ICC is considering investigating allegations of war crimes that may have been committed in Afghanistan. The allegations are spread among the Afghan resistance…