Afghanistan Takes Center Stage in the New Great Game

Afghanistan Takes Center Stage in the New Great Game

In the “graveyard of empires,” Afghanistan never ceases to deliver geopolitical and historical twists. Last week in Moscow, another crucial chapter in this epic story was written when Russia pledged to use its diplomatic muscle to spur peace efforts in the war-torn country. Flanked by Afghan representatives and their Taliban rivals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov talked…

Russia’s S-400 Sale to India Won’t Imperil Its Partnership with Pakistan

Russia’s S-400 Sale to India Won’t Imperil Its Partnership with Pakistan

There’s been a lot of talk about how Russia’s decision to sell S-400s to India might negatively affect its incipient partnership with Pakistan, but such speculation reveals an improper understanding of these two Great Powers’ developing relations that recalls the outdated zero-sum mentality of the Old Cold War. Russia’s decision to sell S-400s to India…

Pakistan in the Middle of Saudi, Iran and Rival Pipeline Plans

Pakistan in the Middle of Saudi, Iran and Rival Pipeline Plans

A tweet roared like announcing a blockbuster premiere and sanctions did engulf Iran on time – despite opposition from Russia, China and the EU-3 (France, Germany and the United Kingdom), who still support the United-Nations endorsed Iran nuclear treaty. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called this an economic war waged by a “bullying power”. The…

While China’s Xianjing Remains Stable, it is in India Where Muslims Are Being Systematically Attacked

While China’s Xianjing Remains Stable, it is in India Where Muslims Are Being Systematically Attacked

From a diverse history to a sectarian crisis  The modern borders of India do not precisely correspond to those of any one of the many sovereign entities that arose in south Asia over the millennia. Instead, today’s India in terms of its political geography was shaped by the modern Partition of British India which began…