These Are the Geostrategic Factors That Will Determine Whether China Wins World War C

These Are the Geostrategic Factors That Will Determine Whether China Wins World War C

The New Cold War between the US and China abruptly took a new form following the global outbreak of COVID-19, but Beijing still has a solid chance of coming out on top in this struggle for global leadership if it accurately assesses the changed geostrategic situation in the Eastern Hemisphere and accordingly crafts the right…

Hindu Extremists Ridiculously Believe That Muslims Are Responsible for World War C

Hindu Extremists Ridiculously Believe That Muslims Are Responsible for World War C

Hindu extremists are scapegoating Indian Muslims for World War C after a cluster of the country’s COVID-19 cases was traced to a massive religious gathering at the beginning of March, with this ridiculous narrative building upon society’s preexisting hated of minorities and being fanned by an influential ideologue from the ruling BJP. *** Buzzfeed News…

It Only Took Retaliation Threats for Trump to Break India’s Multipolar Faction

It Only Took Retaliation Threats for Trump to Break India’s Multipolar Faction

India’s multipolar “deep state” faction was defeated by Trump without a fight after he threatened to vaguely retaliate against the country for its prior refusal to export hydroxychloroquine to the US upon his earlier request, which shows just how weak the wannabe “superpower” really is that its much-touted years-long official policy of “multi-alignment” could be…

The Israeli-Indian Arms Deal

The Israeli-Indian Arms Deal

With Covid-19 dominating everyone’s thoughts and actions, it is also dominating the news media. At first glance, this would seem obvious. But is it? Clearly people need to be updated with the latest information about this killer virus, particularly when governments are trying to wreck lives and economies over it, and blaming their citizens for…

The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Disaster During World War C

The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Disaster During World War C

The Indian government so terribly mishandled its 21-day lockdown demand that Prime Minister Modi was compelled to unprecedentedly ask for forgiveness from the nation’s poor after his policy was responsible for suddenly uprooting millions of migrants across the country who fled their cities of temporary residence to return back home to their villages where they…