China Defended International Law By Condemning India’s Illegal Annexation Of Kashmir

China Defended International Law By Condemning India’s Illegal Annexation Of Kashmir

Western authorities and their media proxies regularly fearmonger that China is supposedly the greatest threat to the modern-day world order, but the People’s Republic completely debunked that fake news assertion after it proudly defended international law by once again condemning India’s annexation of Kashmir on the day that the latter “officially” “bifurcated” the UNSC-recognized disputed…

Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking

Bangladesh’s Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking

The nationwide outrage that erupted following the mob lynching of a student who criticized his Indian-backed government’s recent lopsided deals with New Delhi earlier this month and the Bangladeshi military killing a member of the Indian “Border Security Force” in self-defense last week suggest that Bangladesh’s neo-colonial bondage to India is at risk of breaking,…

How Israel Uses Bollywood to Whitewash the Occupation

How Israel Uses Bollywood to Whitewash the Occupation

Between Tuesday and Thursday this week, Bollywood actors are travelling to Israel for the Indo Fest TLV, a “cultural showcase” touted as the biggest event in the history of India-Israel cultural relations.  The festival – featuring Anil Kapoor, Amisha Patel and at least eight other stars of Indian cinema – promises to be a cultural extravaganza designed to…