Russia’s UNSC Kashmir Stance Wasn’t Influenced by India or Pakistan, But China

Russia’s UNSC Kashmir Stance Wasn’t Influenced by India or Pakistan, But China

Russia didn’t want the issue of Kashmir to be brought before the UNSC at all, though it allowed China to go forward with the meeting out of respect for their strategic partnership but then remained conspicuously silent about India’s threats against it in order to convey its disapproval towards Beijing. Background Briefings Russia’s UNSC stance…

Russia’s Silence on India’s Anti-Chinese Threats Is Deafening

Russia’s Silence on India’s Anti-Chinese Threats Is Deafening

Much has been said about Russia’s reaffirmation that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India and Kashmir, but practically no one is discussing the fact that Moscow has been silent about China’s official stance that New Delhi’s unilateral move poses a threat to its sovereignty, nor has Russia commentated on Indian Home Minister Amit Shah’s…

Daesh Is Curiously Pursuing the Same Strategic Goal as India in Afghanistan

Daesh Is Curiously Pursuing the Same Strategic Goal as India in Afghanistan

The world’s most notorious terrorist group claimed credit for a suicide bombing in Pakistan that killed the Taliban leader’s younger brother and threatened to derail the organization’s peace talks with the US, which curiously aligns with the same strategic goal being pursued by India in Afghanistan. Daesh claimed credit for a suicide bombing at a…

Confirmation Bias Explains the Misportrayal of Russia’s UNSC Stance Towards Kashmir

Confirmation Bias Explains the Misportrayal of Russia’s UNSC Stance Towards Kashmir

Russia reaffirmed its unchanged and decades-long position of supporting India’s stance towards Kashmir twice in the past week, yet the tweets that were made by its Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN during the UNSC meeting on this issue are being misinterpreted because of wishful thinking confirmation bias. Last week’s closed door meeting on Kashmir…

Interpreting Russia & China’s UNSC Stances Towards Kashmir & Crimea

Interpreting Russia & China’s UNSC Stances Towards Kashmir & Crimea

Russia and China don’t see eye-to-eye on either Kashmir or Crimea as proven by the stances that they took on each issue at the UNSC in 2019 and 2014 respectively. It was a little more than five years ago after Crimea’s reunification that many people began to talk about Russia’s speculated “alliance” with China, but…