Macron Wants to Build French-Led New World Order – But No-One is Listening

Macron Wants to Build French-Led New World Order – But No-One is Listening

Emmanuel Macron has been a busy man. While he has a unique vision for France’s global role, his vision is falling on deaf ears. At the end of April, French President Macron received a standing ovation from the US Congress. At around the same time, he also had a phone call with Iranian President Hassan…

The Putin-Assad Summit in Sochi Proved That “Balancing” Yields Results

The Putin-Assad Summit in Sochi Proved That “Balancing” Yields Results

Russia’s “balancing” strategy was vindicated yesterday after the Syrian President came to Sochi and announced his country’s full participation in the post-Daesh constitutional revisionism process. Restoring The “Balance” President Putin’s feting of “Israeli” “Prime Minister” Benjamin Netanyahu as his guest of honor during last week’s Victory Day celebrations shocked many people who were hitherto unaware…

Explaining Trump’s Bombing of Syria and Syria’s Response to “Israel”

Explaining Trump’s Bombing of Syria and Syria’s Response to “Israel”

Trump’s bombing of Syria last month and the Arab Republic’s robust response to ”Israeli” aggression last week are both attributable to their heightened threat assessments of these situations. People are still talking about why Trump decided to bomb Syria last month, and even more are wondering what was behind the country’s robust response to “Israeli”…