China Set to Help Rebuild Syria

China Set to Help Rebuild Syria

China and Syria are already increasing economic ties while Damascus confirms that China will be given priority in all post-conflict reconstruction. With many in Damascus increasingly confident that Syria will win the war against the terrorists who have invaded their country, focus is starting to gradually shift to re-building Syria’s damaged infrastructure. China is set…

The Enemy of My Enemy is My…? The Saudi-American-Iranian-Russian-Qatari-Syrian Conundrum

The Enemy of My Enemy is My…? The Saudi-American-Iranian-Russian-Qatari-Syrian Conundrum

The Middle East.  Could there be a more perilous place on Earth, including North Korea?  Not likely.  The planet’s two leading nuclear armed powers backing battling proxies amply supplied with conventional weapons; terror groups splitting and spreading; religious-sectarian wars threatening amid a plethora of ongoing armed hostilities stretching from Syria to Iraq to Yemen. And…

The Top Ten Underreported News Stories of 2017

The Top Ten Underreported News Stories of 2017

We’ve reached half-time in what has been a very eventful year. It’s revealing to compare the stories that have made the headlines in the western media in the first six months of 2017, with those that haven’t. There’s been saturation coverage of alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election — and Russian state “hacking” in general — even though…