Iranian Warships Deployed Off Yemen Coast After US bombs Houthi Targets

Iranian Warships Deployed Off Yemen Coast After US bombs Houthi Targets

Iran has deployed a fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden, the republic’s naval commander has confirmed. The deployment follows US cruise missile strikes on Yemeni positions thought to be under Houthi rebel control. The Iranian Navy has sent the warships to international waters for a mission that includes entering the area off…

Amid Syrian Chaos, Iran’s Game Plan Emerges: a Path to the Mediterranean

Amid Syrian Chaos, Iran’s Game Plan Emerges: a Path to the Mediterranean

Not far from Mosul, a large military force is finalising plans for an advance that has been more than three decades in the making. The troops are Shia militiamen who have fought against the Islamic State, but they have not been given a direct role in the coming attack to free Iraq’s second city from…

Iran Unveils Combat UAV Based on Captured US Spy Drone Design

Iran Unveils Combat UAV Based on Captured US Spy Drone Design

Iranian engineers have weaponized the drone they built after reverse-engineering the American RQ-170 Sentinel, which the Islamic Republic captured in 2011, Iranian media reported. The drone has high endurance and can carry a payload of four smart guided bombs, Press TV reports. The aircraft is dubbed Saeqeh (Tunderbolt) and was made public on Saturday by…

It’s Not Just the Oil. The Middle East War and the Conquest of Natural Gas Reserves

It’s Not Just the Oil. The Middle East War and the Conquest of Natural Gas Reserves

Are the Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Really About Oil? The Iraq war was really about oil, according to Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, a high-level National Security Council officer and others. Dick Cheney made Iraqi’s oil fields a national security priority before 9/11. The Sunday Herald reported:…

Middle East: Greater Eurasia Scenarios

Middle East: Greater Eurasia Scenarios

Sunni Civil/Cold War Turkey and Saudi Arabia battle it out for the hearts, minds, and territory of the region’s majority Sunni population, with multipolar-leaning Ankara coming to heads with unipolar-devoted Riyadh and possibly even teaming up with the Kingdom’s hated Shiite rival Iran in order to ‘outflank’ the US’ main regional ally. Nagorno-Karabakh Continuation War…