9 Things They Won’t Let You Do On A Plane If You Are Muslim

9 Things They Won’t Let You Do On A Plane If You Are Muslim

Due to the rampant paranoia and Islamophobia that is unfortunately so common in our world, Muslims have to be extra careful when trying to travel by air. Airlines are catering to people’s absurd fears of other races, religions, skin colors, and even other languages. These airlines are kicking people off planes for being Muslim. That’s…

Islamophobia: Why Are So Many, So Frightened

Islamophobia: Why Are So Many, So Frightened

Islamophobia has become a significant factor driving politics in many western countries. Islamophobia – fear of Muslims – is now highly visible among European populations concerned about terrorist responses from Islamic groups claiming Jihadi links. However, it is also evident among those same populations in relation to the refugee flow from the Middle East. In…