When 'Former' Spies Run Wild, Bad Things Happen

When 'Former' Spies Run Wild, Bad Things Happen

A number of related stories describe nefarious activities by ‘former’ NSA, ‘former’ CIA, ‘former’ military officers who joined private businesses which harm other people. They demonstrate that there is a structural problem when those trained to be weapons are allowed to run in the wild. Reuters just published a two part story about ‘former’ NSA…

Netanyahu’s Election Bombing Campaign May Lead to Battle: Syria and Hezbollah have Their Fingers on the Trigger

Netanyahu’s Election Bombing Campaign May Lead to Battle: Syria and Hezbollah have Their Fingers on the Trigger

Israel has attacked Syria many times during the last seven years of war imposed on Syria. It has run red-lights and broken taboos in order to provoke the “Axis of the Resistance” inside Syria, but has refrained from infuriating Hezbollah in Lebanon. Nevertheless, the most recent Israeli attack has pushed Syria and its allies beyond…