U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy

U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy

President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting…

The Two-State Chimera Is a Cover for Israel’s One-State Reality

The Two-State Chimera Is a Cover for Israel’s One-State Reality

William Hague made one, and only one, memorable statement during his time as one of Britain’s more mediocre and gutless British foreign secretaries. It concerned Middle East peace.  “If progress on negotiations is not made next year,” Hague said, “then the two-state solution could become impossible to achieve.”  This remark was made on 28 November…

A Big Step for a Greater Israel

A Big Step for a Greater Israel

Hardly anyone noticed. The Trump administration quietly changed America’s long-held position on Syria’s strategic Golan Heights while attention was focused on the raucous political carnival in Washington. Though barely noticed, the policy change had enormous importance and will lead the United States into a lot of future Mideast misery. The Golan Heights is a volcanic…