What Lies Beneath: The US-Israeli Plot to ‘Save’ Gaza

What Lies Beneath: The US-Israeli Plot to ‘Save’ Gaza

Israel wants to change the rules of the game entirely. With unconditional support from the Trump Administration, Tel Aviv sees a golden opportunity to redefine what has, for decades, constituted the legal and political foundation for the so-called ‘Palestinian-Israeli conflict.’ While US President Donald Trump’s foreign policy has, thus far, been erratic and unpredictable, his…

There Is a Deeper, Darker Agenda Afoot as the US Cuts UNRWA Funding

There Is a Deeper, Darker Agenda Afoot as the US Cuts UNRWA Funding

The Trump administration’s decision to scrap all future aid payments to the main agency helping Palestinian refugees marks a new – and most likely disastrous – chapter in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The US State Department said on Friday it would no longer continue its $360 million annual contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works…

Alt-Media Silent as “Israel” Admits to 200+ Strikes in Syria

Alt-Media Silent as “Israel” Admits to 200+ Strikes in Syria

The typically outspoken Alt-Media Community, usually never short of people willing to condemn “Israel”, is remarkably silent after the Zionists broke several “politically correct” taboos by admitting that they struck Syria over 200 times in the past 18 months. “Israel” broke with its long-running tradition of neither confirming nor denying its suspected military activities abroad…

Idlib: Where a Very Real War Meets High Political Theatre

Idlib: Where a Very Real War Meets High Political Theatre

The Battle of Idlib!…or The Battle of Idlib? Reports have indicated that the Syrian Arab Army has already begun some military operations in the notorious Idlib Governorate. Just prior to these reports seeing light, both Donald Trump and the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley issued implied threats to conduct another missile strike on Syria…