US Media is Losing Its Mind Over Trump-Putin Press Conference

US Media is Losing Its Mind Over Trump-Putin Press Conference

The reaction of the U.S. establishment media and several political leaders to President Donald Trump’s press conference after his summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday has been stunning. Writing in The Atlantic, James Fallows said: “There are exactly two possible explanations for the shameful performance the world witnessed on Monday, from a…

Putin-Trump Meeting in Helsinki: Objectives Bigger Than Syria and the Middle East

Putin-Trump Meeting in Helsinki: Objectives Bigger Than Syria and the Middle East

Both Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are meeting today Monday in Helsinki, Finland to discuss issues much more important than events in the Middle East. Despite its own importance, the situation in Syria is not as urgent as clarifying US intentions towards Russia and the potential will of both parties to develop the commercial-security-military…

Trump Turns to Gaza as Middle East Deal of the Century Collapses

Trump Turns to Gaza as Middle East Deal of the Century Collapses

The Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” for the Palestine-Israel has, predictably, gone over like a lead balloon. So it’s shifting gears. The Washington Post reports, “With President Trump’s promised Middle East peace plan stalled, administration officials are focusing on improving conditions in the impoverished Gaza Strip — a move that could put political pressure on Palestinian…

“Not Enough!”

“Not Enough!”

The State of Israel has no oil wells. It has no gold mines. What has it got? It has the ownership of the remembrance of the Holocaust. That is worth a lot. Everyone who wants to clean himself from the stain needs a certificate from the State of Israel. Such a document is worth very…