Fate of Gaza Dim: Enclaves Surrounded by Hostile Powers Never Fare Well

Fate of Gaza Dim: Enclaves Surrounded by Hostile Powers Never Fare Well

The fate of the Gaza Strip enclave, along with its besieged 1.9 million residents, is dismal. The history of enclaves surrounded by hostile nations like Israel has not been a kind one. The apartheid-like Palestinian enclaves in the West Bank, carved out by Israeli expansionists, also face a bleak future. The U.S. ambassador to Israel,…

The Messiah in England

The Messiah in England

No, the freshly-minted British Duchess of Sussex, Meghan is not Jewish. She’s been married to a Jewish producer (@hertoo!), this is the nearest. Still, the cry Messiah is here! sounded in the British Jewish community, for they had a great run of success. They proved at court that a dead Jew is better than a…

Why Did the US Sabotage President Putin’s Peace Plan for Syria?

Why Did the US Sabotage President Putin’s Peace Plan for Syria?

Secretary of State Pompeo’s direct and fiery demand earlier this week that Iran withdraw from Syria overshadowed President Putin’s indirect and polite request during last week’s Sochi Summit for the same, thereby putting Syria on the spot in having to publicly deny that any such talks were ongoing in order to “save face”, though the…