AIR NATO: A Look Inside the West’s Secret Weapons Racket That’s Destroying Syria

AIR NATO: A Look Inside the West’s Secret Weapons Racket That’s Destroying Syria

It’s no secret that the governments of the US, UK and France, along with other EU member states, have been involved in training and equipping what used to be known as ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria. We now know that the bulk of the arms that get into opposition areas in Syria have gone to terrorist groups, much of…

Eyeless in Gaza

Eyeless in Gaza

I have a unique confession to make: I like Gaza. Yes, I like this far-away corner of Palestine, the narrow strip on the way to Egypt, in which two million human beings are crowded, and which is closer to hell than to heaven. My heart goes out to them. I have spent quite a lot of time…

The Top Ten Underreported News Stories of 2017

The Top Ten Underreported News Stories of 2017

We’ve reached half-time in what has been a very eventful year. It’s revealing to compare the stories that have made the headlines in the western media in the first six months of 2017, with those that haven’t. There’s been saturation coverage of alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election — and Russian state “hacking” in general — even though…