Israel Conquers the World

Israel Conquers the World

I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-no-prisoners fashion. He has lately been brave enough to…

A World at War?

A World at War?

One recalls that when war fever surged demanding intervention by Imperial Britain in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877, a song became popular in the music halls which included “We don’t want to fight, But by Jingo if we do, We’ve got the ships, we’ve got the men, we’ve got the money too.” If the refrain…

America the Feckless

America the Feckless

There have been several particularly disturbing stories in the media over the past week even if one chooses to tune out the US Congress’s pending astonishing overwhelming approval of a grant of \$39.8 billion to Ukraine to continue the war to “weaken” Russia. Even so-called progressives in the Democratic Party voted for the war. So…

Whoopi Gets a Whipping

Whoopi Gets a Whipping

French eighteenth century journalist and propagandist Jacques Mallet du Pan coined the adage that “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants,” frequently translated as “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its own children.” Saturn was a Greek and Roman god who famously was depicted as eating his own children, though the attribution was more…