Trump’s Amateur Hour on Israel

Trump’s Amateur Hour on Israel

President Trump’s expressed desire to resolve, somehow, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is welcome, but the grounds for skepticism about this outweigh the reasons for hope. The principal reason for skepticism is the lack of evidence that Trump has distanced himself politically from the position, embodied in the right-wing Israeli government and its most ardent American supporters, that…

Israel’s House of Kushner Now Runs the Trump Administration for the NWO Globalists

Israel’s House of Kushner Now Runs the Trump Administration for the NWO Globalists

Is the Zionist Neocon cabal using a Kushner blackmail operation to control Trump? “Pedogate criminality can be used to blackmail and/or bribe any politician on planet Earth if they have been compromised. Even if they haven’t, the pols can still be controlled by the perps with fabricated evidence…which the C.I.A. and MOSSAD do all the…