Hundreds of Israelis Enter Al-Aqsa Compound for Jewish Holiday

Hundreds of Israelis Enter Al-Aqsa Compound for Jewish Holiday

Hundreds of far-right religious Israelis entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Tuesday morning on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’av. Tisha B’Av notably commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temple, which Jews believe were located where the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam,…

These are the Israeli Leaders Who Want to Destroy al-Aqsa

These are the Israeli Leaders Who Want to Destroy al-Aqsa

Since the gun battle at the al-Aqsa compound on 14 July that ended in the deaths of three Palestinian citizens of Israel and two Israeli police, Israeli media have largely focused on outrage that anyone would carry out an attack at a holy site, while praising Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s collective punishment against the Palestinian…

The Strange Story of the False Wailing Wall at Al-Aqsa (Temple Mount)

The Strange Story of the False Wailing Wall at Al-Aqsa (Temple Mount)

[The secular dates in this article rendered B.C.E. and C.E. (meaning “Before Common Era” and “Common Era”) are identical to the false religious dates B.C. and A.D. (“Before Christ” and “After our Lord”) which erroneously became standard in Christian countries (though 3 years off) in the sixth century of our Era.] There is absolute proof…

Ten Myths about Israel: Review of Ilan Pappe’s Book

Ten Myths about Israel: Review of Ilan Pappe’s Book

Particularly, in the US and some European States, the Israeli and Zionist versions of history are widespread. Israel’s narrative relies on a collection of myths aimed at bringing the moral right and the ethical behavior of the Palestinians into twilight and making their claim to their country appear as illegitimate. Israel’s negation of Palestinian existence…

Are Non-Jews Human?

Are Non-Jews Human?

(Reading a Midrash out of Midrash Talpiyot) An age-long discussion of Jewish attitudes to non-Jews had been pushed out of the central stage by the counter-discussion of goyim’s attitudes to Jews (beastly, anti-Semitic, prejudiced, leading to Holocaust, denying humanity). In the still uncensored corners and nooks of the Web, one still can find references to…