Making Eretz Israel: The 1967 Six-Day War and Its Consequences

Making Eretz Israel: The 1967 Six-Day War and Its Consequences

Prelude to the war The Arab-Israeli conflict (the four main wars between the various Arab states and Israel) dominated over the politics of the region of the Middle East since the formal proclamation of the independence of the Zionist Israel in May 1948 and has profoundly influenced events inside and relations between the regional state….

Jordan: “Fake Stability” Prelude to “Misery and Mayhem”

Jordan: “Fake Stability” Prelude to “Misery and Mayhem”

Jordan is one of those countries you seldom hear about, however, it is located in a tough neighbourhood. When you think of the “Middle East”, a familiar set of images in a listener’s head, and most of those are not good: violence, conflict, general poverty alongside significant oil wealth, arms, terrorism, and corruption – an…

Apartheid or One State: Has Jordan Broken a Political Taboo?

Apartheid or One State: Has Jordan Broken a Political Taboo?

What will it take for the idea of a two-state solution, which was hardly practical to begin with, to be completely abandoned? Every realistic assessment of the situation on the ground indicates, with palpable clarity, that there can never be a viable Palestinian state in parts of the West Bank and Gaza. Politically, the idea…

Israel Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat

Israel Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat

More than any other Arab state, Jordan’s past, present and future are inextricably linked to the question of Palestine. Jordan’s emergence is an outcome of British imperialism, which imposed the infamous Balfour Declaration and the Zionist settler-colonial project on the indigenous population of Palestine and the region.  Settler-colonialism is the essence of the question of Palestine….