The Return of the Latin American Caudillos

The Return of the Latin American Caudillos

Latin America’s “springtime of socialism” is at a close. After over a decade of progressive socialist presidents putting people ahead of cronyism, Latin America’s oligarchs, through the abuse of the courts, parliaments, and electoral systems, have put caudillos in office throughout the region. Unlike the past, when local generals, with a wink-and-a-nod from the local…

Empire of Misery: America Sees War as the Solution – The Liberation of Daraa, War on Latin America and Palestine

Empire of Misery: America Sees War as the Solution – The Liberation of Daraa, War on Latin America and Palestine

The empire of Chaos (America) is in full advance across the globe but has suffered yet another humiliating defeat in Syria along with its criminal ally Israel whose endless threats and illegal airstrikes were unable to prevent yet another decisive victory for the Syrian Arab Army. However across the world there is one horror show…

Trump Marches Onward and Downward

Trump Marches Onward and Downward

Introduction Journalists, academics, pundits and experts have ignored the complexity of President Trump’s impact on the state of the US Empire. To properly assess the geopolitical configuration of power, we will consider the military, economic, political and diplomatic advances and setbacks of the Trump regime in Latin America, the European Union and Asia (including the…

Washington’s Gunboat Diplomacy

Washington’s Gunboat Diplomacy

Great powers throughout history often become lazy. This translates into opting for easy solutions by force majeure to problems that might better be dealt with more constructively, a process once referred to as “gunboat diplomacy.” The United States has fallen into that trap, operating under the assumption that military power is ultimately the only thing that matters….

Trump Pressed Aides, Latin American Leaders on US Invasion of Venezuela

Trump Pressed Aides, Latin American Leaders on US Invasion of Venezuela

US President Donald Trump repeatedly pressed his top aides as well as the heads of right-wing governments in Latin America on the possibility of a US invasion of Venezuela, according to a report by the Associated Press. The report comes amid a growing campaign of sanctions and political pressure mounted by the Trump administration against…

The Balkanization of South America and The Role of “Fifth Columns” Throughout the World

The Balkanization of South America and The Role of “Fifth Columns” Throughout the World

During the recent meeting in Caracas of the Venezuelan Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, in mid-June 2018, President Maduro said something extremely interesting, but also extremely disturbing – nonetheless highly important for the region to be aware of. Mr. Maduro mentioned Yugoslavia, the foreign induced local conflicts, the breakup and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, starting with the…