Conflict in Libya Intensifies

Conflict in Libya Intensifies

Despite international community’s efforts to resolve the Libyan conflict via peaceful means, it is intensifying and new participants are becoming embroiled in it. On June 21, while inspecting Egyptian Armed Forces of Western Military Region stationed in the Sidi Barrani air base, located near the border with Libya, President of Egypt Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi told…

Wait, Iran & Syria Are Now Officially On Opposite Sides In Libya? Why!?

Wait, Iran & Syria Are Now Officially On Opposite Sides In Libya? Why!?

The Alt-Media Community simply can’t make sense out of the fact that Iran and Syria now officially support opposite sides in Libya since it completely contradicts the long-running but factually false narrative that these two Resistance allies are always on the same side out of “ideological solidarity” with one another. *** Alt-Media = Alt-Reality It’s…

Could the Jewels of the Mediterranean Unleash a World War?

Could the Jewels of the Mediterranean Unleash a World War?

In recent days, the situation in the Mediterranean region’s eastern section has grown ever more tense. The discovery here of huge natural gas reserves has exacerbated not only simmering regional conflicts, but also the emergence of new ones, which could possibly entangle a number of NATO countries. Regional states such as Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Israel,…

It’s Absurd to Feel Guilty About 200yo Crimes While Ignoring the West’s Recent Destruction of Iraq and Libya

It’s Absurd to Feel Guilty About 200yo Crimes While Ignoring the West’s Recent Destruction of Iraq and Libya

By focusing on the historical crimes of Western imperialism, we are in danger of forgetting that some terrible wrongs were done more recently in US-led ‘regime-change’ operations for which no one has yet apologized. We live in strange times. Ordinary people are being encouraged, some would say gaslighted, to feel guilty over bad things done…