Welcome to London – the Bump Capital of the Old World

Welcome to London – the Bump Capital of the Old World

Previously, we have examined in much detail the influence that the recreational use of mind-altering substances might have had on the decision making capabilities of certain British politicians. Curiously enough, both the British media personalities and politicians would no longer try to make a drug addiction they share a secret anymore. But it seems that weed…

Ole Dammegard recently predicted a false flag attack on Big Ben

Another London False Flag?

Gladio B strikes London on Satanic holiday – one year after Brussels A MASSIVE, ICONIC terror event (a couple of people hit by a car, a policeman stabbed, an alleged perp shot) shocked and galvanized the world today. STOP THE PRESSES! But wait a minute. More than 270,000 pedestrians are killed by vehicles each year, while…