Uygurs in Turkey protest near China's consulate in Istanbul. File photo

Battleground Malaysia: China Extends Crackdown on Uygurs Across Borders

Malaysia has emerged as the latest battleground pitting Chinese efforts to export its security notions against principles of the rule of law. The Malaysian Bar Association warned in a pithy statement last week that granting a Chinese demand for the extradition of 11 Uygurs from Malaysia would constitute a violation of international law. If Malaysia’s…

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty

Indonesia and Malaysia, and other countries with sizeable Muslim minorities, like the Philippines, realize just how vulnerable they are. They have been on high alert for fighters returning home from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) front lines in Syria and Iraq. The group has made known its ambition to create Southeast Asian provinces…

US Regime Change in Malaysia: Bersih 5

US Regime Change in Malaysia: Bersih 5

Malaysia finds itself weathering yet another foreign-backed color revolution, with the color of choice being the “yellow shirts” of Bersih supporters. Bersih was created by the United States government and the political alliance of convicted and currently jailed Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim. The front organized its first rally in 2007, and has since then organized…

Malaysia: US Loses Another Key Ally in Asia Pacific Region

Malaysia: US Loses Another Key Ally in Asia Pacific Region

Malaysia is another old time America’s ally to shift away from the US orbit following the Philippines. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak visited China on October 31-November 6 to sign 14 agreements totaling 143.64 billion ringgit ($34.25 billion), including a defence deal.  Malaysia agreed to buy four Chinese littoral combat ships. Two will be built in China…