Meta and Privacy: The Economy of Data Transgressions

Meta and Privacy: The Economy of Data Transgressions

Meta, to put it rather inelegantly, has a data non-compliance problem. That problem began in the original conception of Facebook, a social network conceived by that most anti-social of types, Mark Zuckerberg. (Who claims that these troubled sorts lack irony?) On May 22, the European Union deemed it appropriate to slap a $1.3 billion fine…

Meta’s Support of Russophobic Hate Speech Should Seriously Concern All Westerners

Meta’s Support of Russophobic Hate Speech Should Seriously Concern All Westerners

All of this should seriously concern Westerners because they too might one day become the next victims of Meta’s tacitly state-backed hate speech campaign if the cause that they support ends up being treated as ‘politically incorrect’. Those conservative-nationalist supporters of former US President Trump could one day wake up to find out that Meta…