Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

The real story behind The Fall of Michael Flynn has been confirmed by a highly informed US insider, who has previously detailed how the Trump presidency’s foreign policy will unfold. According to the insider, which I named “X”, “Flynn was removed because he was agitating for a strike against Iran which would have had disastrous consequences. That would…

How We Got Here: The Misuse of American Military Power and The Middle East in Chaos

How We Got Here: The Misuse of American Military Power and The Middle East in Chaos

The United States has already lost — its war for the Middle East, that is. Having taken my own crack at combat soldiering in both Iraq and Afghanistan, that couldn’t be clearer to me. Unfortunately, it’s evidently still not clear in Washington. Bush’s neo-imperial triumphalism failed. Obama’s quiet shift to drones, Special Forces, and clandestine…

Why Do So Many Americans Fear Muslims? Decades of Denial About America’s Role in the World.

Why Do So Many Americans Fear Muslims? Decades of Denial About America’s Role in the World.

There’s been lots of attention-grabbing opposition to Trump’s “Muslim ban” executive order, from demonstrations to court orders. But polls make it clear public opinion is much more mixed. Standard phone polls show small majorities opposed, while web and automated polls find small majorities continue to support it. What surprises me about the poll results isn’t that lots of Americans like…