Obama Prioritized Defeating Assad Above Defeating Jihadists

Obama Prioritized Defeating Assad Above Defeating Jihadists

The evidence is clear and convincing: U.S. President Barack Obama, against advice and warnings from his top military officers, pursued a policy to protect the fundamentalist-Sunni organization, Al Qaeda in Syria (called «Al Nusra» there), and to arm them, so as to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and replace Assad’s secular government with a Sharia-law, fundamentalist-Sunni, government,…

Why U.S. ‘News’ Media Shouldn’t Be Trusted

Why U.S. ‘News’ Media Shouldn’t Be Trusted

The great metascientist and statistician Nassim Nicholas Taleb headlined on November 22nd a devastating takedown of U.S. ‘news’ media and academia, «Syria and the Statistics of War», and he began there by exposing the highly honored Harvard fraud, Dr. Steven Pinker, but then went pretty much through the entire U.S. ‘intellectual’ Establishment, including all of its…

Ohio Attacker: What They Really Mean by “Influenced by Islam”

Ohio Attacker: What They Really Mean by “Influenced by Islam”

Somali immigrant Abdul Razak Ali Artan is alleged to have carried out an attack, injuring 11 until he was eventually shot dead by police. Alleged alternative media platform, Breitbart News, immediately set to work to link the attack to “Islam” and “refugees” in articles like, “Ohio State Attacker Posted Anti-US Screed to Facebook Movements Before…

Obama’s Zero Legacy

Obama’s Zero Legacy

«Trump did more than any democrat to deflate the neocon/neoliberal agenda that liberals themselves screamed was fascist when Bush was president». That was a brilliant and profoundly true reader-comment recently posted about Hillary Clinton supporters who are demonstrating against Trump’s winning the Presidency. Clinton-Obama Democrats who remain loyal to the Democratic Party in the wake…

It’s not Donald Trump Who Matters Now in the Middle East – it’s Putin

It’s not Donald Trump Who Matters Now in the Middle East – it’s Putin

Predictable claptrap is being uttered about Trump and the Middle East. How can the Muslim world deal with a man who is an Islamophobe? For that is indeed what Trump is. He is a disgrace to his country and to his people – who, heavens above, elected the chap. But here’s a mollifying thought. US prestige in…