In Yemen, Western Foreign Policy Is Empowering al-Qaeda

In Yemen, Western Foreign Policy Is Empowering al-Qaeda

In April, an exclusive report published on Mintpress News laid bare an “unholy alliance” between al-Qaeda and the displaced government of Abdurabbuh Mansur Hadi that a coalition led by Sunni Gulf monarchies has been unsuccessfully seeking to reinstall with the help of the West since 2015. These revelations come on top of previous investigations that…

Syria: Will the Great Middle Eastern War Begin in the Levant?

Syria: Will the Great Middle Eastern War Begin in the Levant?

The world is in turmoil. 2020 has already brought major multiple crises, with the Iranian-American clash in Iraq which followed the US assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani, and the COVID-19 health pandemic and economic disaster that struck all continents and stole the lives of over 400 thousand people around the world, costing tens of…

Operating Outside the Rule of Law: Washington Pressures International Criminal Court

Operating Outside the Rule of Law: Washington Pressures International Criminal Court

There is apparently no limit to what the United States and Israel can get away with without any consequences. The United States has been waging devastating economic warfare against Iran and Venezuela while also blaming China for a global health crisis that it is unwilling to help address due to its withdrawal from the World…

An Arrested Middle East – The ‘New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ Dissipates

An Arrested Middle East – The ‘New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ Dissipates

Some eight years ago, I wrote about the outbreak of popular stirring in the Middle East, then labelled the ‘Arab Awakening’. Multiple popular discontents were welling: demands for radical change proliferated, but above all, there was anger – anger at mountainous inequalities in wealth; blatant injustices and political marginalisation; and at a corrupt and rapacious…