Mediterranean Europe Will Continue Dealing with Migrant Crisis Instigated by Germany Despite Alleviation Efforts

Mediterranean Europe Will Continue Dealing with Migrant Crisis Instigated by Germany Despite Alleviation Efforts

The European Union has announced a new immigration and asylum policy based on the so-called solidarity of its members. However, this initiative will once again not receive unanimous support from all 27 member states. Since Germany instigated the migrant crisis five years ago, the EU is still figuring out how to clean up this catastrophic…

The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?

The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?

It’s often said that the EU plays no role whatsoever in the conflict in Libya and takes no side. And given that Italy, being the odd man in Europe, supports the incumbent government and its ragtag coalition of soldiers and militias it employs fighting under the so-called GNA – whereas most EU countries are more…

The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Disaster During World War C

The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Disaster During World War C

The Indian government so terribly mishandled its 21-day lockdown demand that Prime Minister Modi was compelled to unprecedentedly ask for forgiveness from the nation’s poor after his policy was responsible for suddenly uprooting millions of migrants across the country who fled their cities of temporary residence to return back home to their villages where they…

Is India Preparing to Unleash “Weapons of Mass Migration” in Kashmir?

Is India Preparing to Unleash “Weapons of Mass Migration” in Kashmir?

The planned deployment of 20,000 more paramilitary forces in occupied Kashmir has raised serious concern among the locals that India is preparing to rescind Article 35A ahead of the country’s upcoming independence day celebrations next month, which would allow non-residents to purchase property in the region and possibly lead to the disruptive large-scale influx of…