Let’s Keep Donald Trump: True Believer Mike Pence Could Be a Whole Lot Worse

Let’s Keep Donald Trump: True Believer Mike Pence Could Be a Whole Lot Worse

When President Donald Trump traveled to Davos last week, the second foreign head of government he met with was Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. When the expected groveling before Bibi was concluded the rest of the world learned that Trump is right on board the Netanyahu bandwagon when it comes to making sure that the Palestinians somehow…

Pence Goes Over the Water’s Edge

Pence Goes Over the Water’s Edge

As recently as a generation or two ago, the mainstream of American politics observed an important limit whereby domestic politics did not operate beyond the nation’s boundaries. This did not mean there weren’t sharp differences and vigorous debate about foreign policy, often along party lines. There always have been those, going back to differing Federalist…

Mike Pence

Mike Pence’s Middle East Tour: Outright Pressure and Threats as Foreign Policy Tools

Jordan’s King Abdullah II wants Washington to “rebuild trust “after US President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The king believes that East Jerusalem must be the capital of Palestine. According to him, from now on the US has a “major challenge to overcome”. “Friends occasionally have disagreements,” Mike Pence said ruefully in his comments on the outcome of…

US Vice President Mike Pence meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (unseen) at the Presidential Palace in the capital Cairo on January 20, 2018 (AFP)

Mike Pence’s Middle East Tour: Speaking to Israel’s Hard Right Only

US Vice President Mike Pence will soon complete his four-day trip to the Middle East after visiting Egypt, Jordan and Israel. Pence, a devout evangelical Christian, was refused a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and a visit to Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem. After US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of…

Pence Begins Presidential Campaign Unofficially

Pence Begins Presidential Campaign Unofficially

On Wednesday, May 17th, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who has built his political career as both a fundamentalist Christian, and a client of the libertarian Koch brothers’ extensive fundraising network, made his unofficial but starting bid to become the U.S. President: he formed an organization to raise funds from billionaires and centi-millionaires, in order…