Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming: How They Work and Why Some People Are Immune

Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming: How They Work and Why Some People Are Immune

Today, just for fun, we’re going to go down the rabbit hole of how entertainment and the media manipulate people. Some of this is sheer speculation, some if it is provable fact, and all of it requires that you don your full array of tinfoil. If you want to go even deeper, this book will…

© Vincent Kessler / Reuters

Adult Toys, Oral & Anal Sex Part Of German School Education Program Targeting Homophobia

Anal sex practices, sadomasochism and adult sex toys should become known to German pupils through “theatrical performance,” lectures or workshops, according to teaching materials promoted by a state-supported anti-homophobia project. Fourteen-year-olds in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the most-populous state in Germany, may come across school classes making them aware of anal sex, sadomasochism and the use…

Mind Control Achieved Through the “Information Flicker Effect”

Mind Control Achieved Through the “Information Flicker Effect”

I wrote this piece in 2012, in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. I re-post it now, because it equally applies to the Orlando shooting. No, I’m not talking about the flicker of the television picture. I’m talking about an on-off switch that controls information conveyed to the television audience. The Sandy Hook school…