Surprise in October, or What We Saw at the Military Parade in Pyongyang

Surprise in October, or What We Saw at the Military Parade in Pyongyang

On October 10, 2020, the DPRK held a massive celebration for the 75th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea. It is one of the most important national holidays, and the milestone anniversary was marked by a whole array of mass gatherings, including concerts, gala functions, and a fireworks festival. The highlight of the program…

Zircon, Russia’s Newest Hypersonic Anti-Ship Missile, Will Radically Shift the Balance of Power on the High Seas

Zircon, Russia’s Newest Hypersonic Anti-Ship Missile, Will Radically Shift the Balance of Power on the High Seas

The Zircon hypersonic missile will reportedly be tested three more times by the end of the year. Fired from the Russian Navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov, it will be expected to strike an ‘aircraft carrier’ type of naval target. The first of the three planned tests is expected to take place in late October or early…

Russia Took Pakistan’s Side in South Asia’s Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests

Russia Took Pakistan’s Side in South Asia’s Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov staunchly defended Pakistan’s “sovereign right to take care of its security” amidst South Asia’s tit-for-tat missile tests, with this unprecedented statement not only signifying the strength of the Russian-Pakistani Strategic Partnership, but also potentially being a response to the Indian Ambassador to the US’ recent hint that his country…

The Mainstream Media Manufactured the “Zircon Missile Scandal”

The Mainstream Media Manufactured the “Zircon Missile Scandal”

The West went to great lengths earlier this week exaggerating the importance of a popular Russian TV host doing a program about how Zircon hypersonic missiles could potentially hit the US if they were equipped on submarines deployed in international waters along America’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts in response to Washington’s withdrawal from the INF…

US Ballistic Missile Systems Have Very Poor Cyber-Security

US Ballistic Missile Systems Have Very Poor Cyber-Security

No data encryption, no antivirus programs, no multifactor authentication mechanisms, and 28-year-old unpatched vulnerabilities are just some of the cyber-security failings described in a security audit of the US’ ballistic missile system released on Friday by the US Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG). The report [PDF] was put together earlier this year, in…